Monday, December 20, 2010

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Dante's Peak

Scientifically Accurate:
1. Magma movement causing shaking/movement not just Plate Tectonics
2. Having more then one explosion with composite volcanoes
3. Pyroclastic flow

1. The acid in the water just showing up instantly
2. Driving through the lava and hot ash would have popped the tired, they wouldn't have made it through there without at least melting the tire, or getting a flat.
3. Chances are the dog wouldn't have made it to where they did the drive by sort of deal to pick him up, he ultimately would have burned his paws waaaaaaaayyyyyy before then walking on all of that stuff..

Thursday, September 23, 2010


I think that this is a Mold and Cast. I think this because it is an indentation/hollow spot in the rock. This picture resembles the fossil of the fish that I have under this and they have certain similarities that makes me believe that this falls under the molds and casts category.

Molds and Casts:  I think that this fossil belongs in the molds and casts because in the reading it says that a molded fossil is a hollow depression in the rock, and this image clearly shows that it's hollow.  It also says that fish, leaves, and ferns are commonly found fossils that classify as Molds and Casts.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Strata and Relative Time

youngest to oldest
My Reasoning Notes:
3 is younger than 2
3 is younger than 6
3 is younger than 1
1 is younger than 6
2 is younger than 4
2 is younger than 5
My Explanation:
3 is younger than 2 because 3 is an intrusion and intrusions are always younger than the rock that they pass through. 3 is younger than 2, 6 and 1 because it passes through them all. 
1 is younger than 6 because the youngest layers on top and 1 is at the very top, and 1 is the layer above layer 6.

2 is younger than 4 because, 2 is an intrusion of 4, and intrusions are always younger than the rock that they pass through.
2 is younger than 5 because 2 is an intrusion on 5 so that makes it younger.